Your Energy Solutions

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Solar Panels

Solar Panels

Brand neutral for a reason.

At YES, we believe in choices. That’s why we are a technology neutral company and offer panels from 4 top solar manufacturers, each with decades of solar experience. Every YES client gets a customized solution. We avoid the “off the rack” approach.

Why go name brand?

The solar industry is rapidly expanding and new manufacturers pop up all the time. Their financial performance and product reliability are unproven. Therefore, so is their warranty. If they fail, a lost warranty will negate all solar savings.

That’s why the brands we represent have been in business for decades, are solar pioneers, and will be there to stand behind their product.

Install Photos

LG All-Black
SunPower All-Black
Japan Solar

So which panel is “best”?

Higher Efficiency ≠ Better Quality
The manufactures we represent offer exceptional and reliable solar panels. In terms of reliability, no panel we offer is “better” than any other. For efficiency, let your roof be your guide. If you have limited roof space, you’ll likely need the high-efficiency of SunPower or LG panels. If you have plenty of roof space, we recommend saving money on the system by purchasing Mitsubishi solar panels.

For example, a system sized around 6.2 kilowatts DC can be comprised of:

  • 18 SunPower 345-watt panels
  • 20 LG 320-watt panels
  • 22 SolarWorld 285-watt panels
  • 23 Mitsubishi 275-watt panels
All 4 options will give you around the same “real world” production. Each will produce the same amount of electricity per year. However, the SunPower system will be the most expensive.

23 Mitsubishi or 18 SunPower Panels

Same real-world production. The only difference is roof space.

How many solar panels do I need?

It depends on how much electricity you want your solar system to produce and the efficiency of the solar panel. The more efficient the panel, less number of panels needed.

To get started, it is best to find out how much electricity, in kilowatts, your home consumed in the past year. This information can be obtained directly from your Utility company. For example, if your consumption is 10,000 kilowatts and you want your solar system to produce 10,000 kilowatts, the table above shows how many panels are needed.

To calculate the number of panels needed for any amount of consumption, use the following formula:

Number of Solar Panels = Consumption ÷ Annual Solar Production (Per Panel)

For example, suppose you consume 8000 kilowatts and you want your solar system to produce 8000 kilowatts of electricity per year. You are interested in LG 330 W panels, which have an Annual Solar Production of 561 kilowatts per panel (as shown in the table above). Then:

Number of Solar Panels = Consumption ÷ Annual Solar Production (Per Panel) Number of Solar Panels = 8000 ÷ 561 = 14.26 ≈ 15 solar panels (round up)

Since you cannot install a fraction of a solar panel, the number of panels needed is 15.

Please note that these numbers are estimates and should be used as a guide. Differences in roof angle, the direction the roof faces, and if the panels get shaded by obstructions such as chimneys will cause these numbers to vary. A site survey by Your Energy Solutions will calculate the exact amount of solar panels needed.


SunPower is the most efficient panel and has the highest cost per watt while Mitsubishi has the lowest. LG and SolarWorld are between the two. If roof space isn’t an issue, the best choice is Mitsubishi. However, if you have limited roof space and want to maximize production, SunPower or LG are ideal.

Turning on the Solar

Solar panels output power in direct current (DC), but homes, businesses, and the grid is wired in alternating current (AC). The inverter’s function is to convert DC power into AC. Learn about the inverters we offer.

Common Solar Questions