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Pleasanton Solar Install – American-Made SolarWorld Solar Panels & Enphase Microinverters

A solar install in Pleasanton, California. This system consists of 32 SolarWorld 290 Mono Black panels, an all-black panel. SolarWorld panels are manufactured in the USA at Hillsboro, Oregon (located just west of Portland). The system is paired with Enphase microinverters. We expect this system to produce 11,488 kilowatts of electricity in its first year.

With microinverters, each solar panel has its own inverter. The major benefit of microinverters is for the rare chance that there is a failure in either one of the microinverters or panels, the rest of the system continues to make electricity unaffected. This is unlike central inverters (large single inverters), where a failure of the inverter will result in total production loss. And with our 25 year labor warranty, we will coordinate with the manufacturer to get the system back running fully.

And with panel-level monitoring, the customer can view how the system is performing, down to the individual solar panel, from anywhere with an internet connection.

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